Air Marshal
Flying from one location to another has never been a relaxing experience for some people. With air turbulence and possible mechanical failure, there’s always the lingering fear that a plane might drop right out of the sky. Free falling from several thousand feet up in the air almost certainly brings with it the promise of death. Read more…
Bail Bondsman
Say you’ve been arrested, for whatever reason, be it for a DUI or breaking and entering. You’re taken into police custody, booked and placed in a holding cell to await your pre-trial. On the day of your pre-trial, you’re asked to plead your guilt or innocence. Read more…
Bounty Hunter
When an individual is arrested for a crime he is taken into police custody. Once in police custody, he will be booked and his case will be sent to a prosecutor who will decide which charges will be laid against the arrested individual. Prosecutors have a set amount of time after booking takes place in which they must lay charges. Read more…
CIA Agent
The CIA’s main objective is to gather, analyze, evaluate, and pass on intelligence on foreign countries to U.S. heads of security and the president. That includes information on foreign industries, the political landscape of foreign countries, and terrorist cells. Read more…
DEA Agent
How much do you know about what a DEA agent does? If you guessed enforcing the laws regarding controlled substances, then you guessed right. Yes, DEA agents spend most of their time trying to dismantle the drug trade. Read more…
Police Detective
Detectives or criminal investigators investigate felonies (and sometimes misdemeanors) such as homicides, burglary, identity theft, and fraud. They begin their careers as police officers and by the requirement of the department, they must serve as a police officer for a particular amount of years before they can be promoted to the rank of detective. Read more…
FBI Agent
The FBI is a national security agency tasked with gathering intelligence and enforcing laws. It guards the U.S. against internal and external threats. While executing its duty it will protect civil rights, fight against white-collar and significant violent crimes, identify and protect against intelligence and terrorist threats. Read more…
FBI Informant
FBI informants provide information to the FBI about criminal activity in exchange for financial gain, the FBI reducing their sentence, or the FBI overlooking their own criminal activity. Who better to spill the beans on criminals than the people who operate alongside them? Read more…
FBI Profiler
When a serial killer strikes, it’s up to law enforcement officials to catch the perpetrator. But what happens when the perpetrator proves to be an elusive predator? That’s where FBI profilers come into the mix. Read more…
Game Warden
Game wardens are the law enforcement officers of the State and federal fish and wildlife agencies. They perform many duties. Chief among them is the enforcement of the laws meant to preserve and protect wildlife. Read more…
Homicide Detective
When a murder is reported, law enforcement officers be called to the murder scene. Amongst them: homicide detectives. They, of course, investigate and solve criminal cases involving murder. Read more…
Immigration Officer
Immigration officers are one line of defense against movement of illegal immigrants into a country. They are given the enormous responsibility of controlling who is allowed into a country. Think of them as a wall, denying entry to people who don’t meet certain criteria. Read more…
A judge fulfills many roles, but a judge’s most important role is ensuring that both parties involved in a legal proceeding have a fair trial. They interpret the intent of a law, assess the evidence presented, and ensure that both parties follow courtroom procedures. When unusual circumstances arise, for which there is no standard procedure, a judge will interpret the law to decide how a trial proceeds. Read more…
Justice Of The Peace
The position of justice of the peace originated in England in 1361 with the passing of the Justice of the Peace Act. Back then they were charged with protecting the “King’s (Sovereign’s) peace”. To do this, they were granted the powers to hear and determine felonies and petty offenses against the peace, as well as, the power to pass judgment. Read more…
K9 Officer
Canine, with their acute sense of smell, are experts at tracking down prey, be it illicit drugs or a fugitive on the run. It’s the main reason why they are paired with and work alongside K9 officers. Read more…
The duties lawyers perform are as diverse as the many fields of laws present in that profession. But simply put lawyers, also known as attorneys, generally act as advocates and advisors in matters pertaining to law. They represent clients that have been brought before a court of law in a criminal or civil trial. Read more…
NCIS Agent
The history of the Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) stretches as far back as World War I. It started off as a component of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which still exists to this day. However, in 1966 the Office of Naval Intelligence would give rise to an agency called the Naval Investigative Service (NIS). Read more…
You’ve likely seen television series like the Good Wife or How to Get Away with Murder, which revolves around the life of a protagonist who just so happens to be a lawyer. You see these protagonists advising clients on their best course of legal action, communicating with private investigators, and arguing their client’s case in court, with the occasional personal and workplace drama. Read more…
Police Officer
Police officers, we see them patrolling the streets and issuing parking tickets, but the duties of a police officer encompass much more than that. Yes, the primary role of a police officer is to enforce the law and maintain public order, however, the tasks a particular law enforcement officer is expected to perform on a daily basis will depend on the department they are in and on their location. Read more…
Private Investigator
Private investigators offer a number of services, so much so that you’d be surprised at the type of work that PIs sometimes do. These services include background checks, finding missing persons, investigating claims of infidelity, investigating fraud, and locating friends and relatives that their clients have lost contact with. Read more…
Probation Officer
Probation officers work at both the state and the federal level. They work with offenders who have been given probation instead of a prison sentence, offenders who are still in prison, or offenders who have just been released from prison. The probation system reduces the strain on overpopulated prisons by allowing low-risk offenders to return to civilian life. Read more…
Undercover Cop
Undercover cops bring down a criminal organization from within its ranks. They infiltrate a criminal organization, gather evidence on the activities of that organization, and sometimes participate in the arrest of those individuals. Read more…
US Marshal
The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) is the oldest U.S. law enforcement agency in existence. Founded in 1789, its duties include arresting federal fugitives, protecting the federal judiciary, operating the Witness Security Program, transporting federal prisoners, conducting body searches. Read more…
Warrant Officer
Warrant officers are the technical experts of the army. They provide guidance and valuable skills to the commanders in their field. More specifically, Warrant Officers train officers, advise on the best course of action during a mission. Read more…